Skoutin - A Fantasy 75mm Miniature / Tabletop Game

General / 23 August 2019

Hi  fellows,
In this second post I would like to be sharing the Stoutkin model, a character in which I made for a tabletop game, design and interesting details.

This is the workflow I use for customer models, every step of the process I send for an approval, be it in the blocking, detailing and rendering stages, so, let's take a look below! (Directed by Andrew Scott, a project for a Kickstarter.)


Well, let's start, this is the artwork that I received through the Director, a fantasy concept, I found it very interesting the question of being a dwarf with animal paws, remembering a centaur, in the course of the work I realized some observations to the director and we optimize some parts for the piece to be 75mm with exelent details visible to cast.


No details at this stage only silhouettes and shapes. This is the first photo of work in process, I sent as choice, attenuated forears and a leather texture on the protector, and so we proceeded.

At this time the part of the hair is already made the initial phase, some close-ups..

Part of the hands already begin to be refined..  

  And behold, the final model photo appears to send for approval..

  But before sending, a little of likeness and textures to give a greater prominence in the personality of the Skoutin.

We continue with more images tomorrow!